Monday, July 22, 2024

Cepheus Deluxe Subsector Map


Being a Traveller RPG fan, as it was one of the first RPG's I was ever exposed to (the Traveller Book from 1982 was at my local library in the 90's), I couldn't resist getting into some of the other variations of the game that have since hit the market.  Cepheus Engine, based on the Mongoose Traveller version, really caught my eye as it has OGL content available.  Also, some of the best resources are made by Cepheus Engine game developers like Stellagama Publishing.  Their Subsector and Sector maps are some of the nicest PDF files I've found to work with.

Being such clear files, I imported one into GIMP (free open source raster graphics editor) to create the above sub-sector (parts of it pictured).  Took me a while, as I created some of the symbols in Inkscape (free open source vector graphics editor) and then exported them as .png file that contained a transparent background.  Then it was just select, copy/paste, and scale where required.

Anyone with experience using GIMP or Photoshop should have no issues using such a file to fill out a blank subsector they roll up!

Cepheus Deluxe XCF File

Stellagama Publishing Website

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Sudsy's Methods: glue rivets for paper models

Sharing my secret sauce with everybody!  Now, go build something cool!

Sunday, December 31, 2023

31DEC23 Haydon Commando Pt. 3

 Figured I'd put in the good shots I took of these here in the last hour and a half (at time of writing) of 2023!  I need correct what I mentioned, you can only get the STL files through Kickstarter (we'll see if Mad Robot has any coming up)!  However, their resin casting is pretty top notch.  You can order a complete squad (10) or fireteam (5) troopers.  Just look for these specific items to match my build if you like: beret heads, heavy field packs, Haydon Pattern Las Rifles, Commando Torsos, Commando Standing Legs, and Commando Arms.

As far as seeking advice for how to paint DPM, and for that matter US M81 Woodland, I found the following blogs handy:

Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog (for DPM) from 08OCT08

Arcadia Prime (M81 Woodland) from 11FEB13

Both contained helpful, common sense, ideas on these patterns that worked out just fine for both of these patterns in 28mm.

"Alright Lads, lets give these Xenos, Traitors, and Heretics a rough go!"

So, prior to painting the Haydon Commando Paras above, I painted the "Rescue Team" (not assassins) below, following along pretty faithfully to Arcadia Prime's article linked above.  I need to find better photos of the Woodland, but it turned out just fine for this scale.

The Major

The Tracker

The Suit

The Heavy Fire Power

The Long Distance Connection

"If it bleeds, we can Cleanse and Purge it." -The Major

Saturday, December 30, 2023

30DEC23 Haydon Commandos Pt. 2

Figured I would start off with a photo of the nearly finished leader (in my mind, an NCO like a Sargent or Corpral equivalent).

My attempt to capture a 28mm scale UK DPM temperate climate pattern camo was...  Pretty OK.  Looks like my M81 Woodland in he same scale!  

Color selection for the major parts:
Medium flesh and black to pick out face, hands, an the headband of the berets.
Just that little touch of black went a long way!
Forest green kicked off the start of the DPM splotches on the base of plaid bone.  
Followed by burnt umber.  Here I realized I hadn't added enough mid and high lights!
So I went with more khaki earlier, over the darker areas and the gators over the boots (as planned initially).  I probably should have started on the khaki as a base coat, this paint is translucent enough!
Back to black for camo splotches and picking details like buckles.
Hippo gray made good Las barrels, scopes, and battery mags.
Ivory was applied to the patches and lenses.

Finally, I went back and detailed with every color and few others to tighten things up and finish.

Friday, December 29, 2023

29DEC23 Haydon Commando paiting, base coating

Been a while!  Earlier this year I got an Elegoo Mars 2 Pro resin SLA pinter and really took of 3D printing miniatures.  Mostly through MyMiniFactory purchases, Patreon support of artists, or in this case a Kickstater campaign by Mad Robot Miniatures.

Haydon Commandos are clearly inspired by British Royal Commandos, but just as easily the Para Regiment as well.  My choice is clear with the red berets of the Paras in lieu of the green Commando.

After assembling the miniatures I primed with a dark brown camo spray paint that matches burnt umber near perfectly.  I followed this up with dry brushing raw sienna as a mid tone, and ivory as a highlight completing my basic underpainting.

As you can see, nothing fancy here.  Inexpensive camo spray paint, and cheap craft store acrylics.  Results were great, my photographs are terrible!
Now, the more expensive paint, Army Painter Speedpaints.  Here are my paint selections and what I painted with each:
Made a great khaki base
Missed the web gear with this color in this shot...

After painting the web belts, I used Mr. Super Clear Matt to seal the speedpaints before proceeding to apply regular acrylics.  Part 2 forthcoming.

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

18OCT2023 "Phantom of the Usurper" an Alpha Strike Scenario

 Has it truly been THAT long since I published anything?  Shame on me...  I blame social media for the distraction!

This last Sunday, my local gaming group (well, myself, my sons, and two of my wargamer friends) all got together and played a modified Alpha Strike (a streamlined Battletech game allowing for more mechs on the table without taking three weeks to play a company level combined arms engagement...) scenario.  I took the Alpha Strike: Commanders Edition book, and the King of the Hill scenario, and modified it to fit our local lore.

I will be adding this to my files section here shortly (Phantom of the Usurper!).

Above is the "Hill" objective, well, okay, the center marked "1" is the actual objective.  Around it, are three 'anomalies' that need to inspected real close to figure out what they are (markers "2-4").  There are some narrative elements in the scenario, so it's best run with a Game Master/Referee.  I think this would make a perfect party game, especially in October.

Here is the set-up, and the player's first move.  I had four players, each commanding a 300 point force and forming two teams of 600 points.  So, there was some interesting player dynamics going on as my two sons faced off against my two very experienced wargaming buddies.  Part of the modification was the elimination of the 12" deployment zone on the ends of the table.  I wanted the first move to be onto the table.  It added some extra time, and didn't allow any one side to get too close to the Hill on the first turn with speedy light mechs.  Also note the manner in which the hills were placed to prevent easy access by non-jump capable mechs, and any ground vehicles.  This was an important part of the scenario!

We ended up going six full turns!  I took a few hours, about 4 or so, however there loads of tangential sidebar giant robot science fiction conversations, so it was all good and fun!

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

05JAN21 - Paper Sentinel Build Video

In tune with my papercraft armor as of late, the above is my video slide show of my build process with photos I took to document my build on the Zealot forum.  No music yet, and not narrative either as I'm slowly learning Shotcut and creating these kinds of videos to grow my channel as my hobby video channel!

Finished product here for all to see!